The town of Ardlethan, a small village of approximately 430 people, located in the Coolamon Shire is currently serviced predominantly by on-site sewer systems, many failing, causing overflows and surface seepage, resulting in public health risks and environmental impacts. TWSe is the principal contractor for the Ardlethan Sewerage Scheme which consists of the installation of approximately 9km of gravity sewer reticulation, 2 km of sewer rising main, 82 manholes and on-property connection points, as well as the installation of a packaged pump station. Part of the sewer main line will be installed under the railway line and 2 crossings of a major highway, hence TWSe will be working closely with John Holland and RMS to meet their requirements, and by installing the main line with trenchless installation techniques.
Our team are well into the project and are meeting targets despite some trenching challenges in hitting hard rock in the early stages and deep trenches of up to 6m using shoring boxes. Safety is a priority and the guys are working together as a team with no LTI’s and zero incidents on site and environmental controls holding up even with the 42mm of awesome rains over the weekend.
With close working relationships with council and local residents the TWSe team are meeting all expectations and are committed to maintaining positive relationships within the town.