Murrumbateman Sewage Scheme: Sewage Treatment Plan, Sewage Pumping Station and Rising Main
Until now, the village of Murrumbateman did not have a sewage collection transport system, with the majority of residences served by individual septic tank or aerated wastewater treatment systems with on-site effluent disposal via trench absorption systems. The performance of the effluent absorption trenches was unsatisfactory, particularly during wet weather periods due to the poor absorptive qualities of the soil. This has caused considerable water logging in low-lying areas of the village leading to potential public health and environmental problems. Yass Valley Council has therefore engaged TWS to implement their Stage 1 Sewerage Scheme for a predicted population of 1500 people. The Scheme comprises a sewerage collection and transport system including a pumping station and an oxidation pond type Sewage Treatment plant (STP). The project involved the Design & Construction of submersible pumping station including emergency storage tank / generator backup / all Electrical & mechanical equipment for a fully functioning system including allowances for stages 2 and 3 over coming 50 years, the construction of 2.5km sewer rising main located predominately within the Barton Highway road reserve, including avoidance of significant European heritage listed tree line, and design & construction of creek crossing, the construction of pond type treatment plant including 2 Oxidation ponds (approx. 14M/L ea), maturation pond (approx. 9M/L), and Effluent Storage pond (approx. 80M/L), with concrete spillway, Transfer and overflow structures, Design & Construction of a recycled water (treated effluent) management system comprising an effluent pumping station to transfer recycled water from the storage pond to the irrigation system, filtration / telemetry and electrical equipment and works at both SPS & STP for Access roads and hardstand areas, and over 1.2km security fencing.