Upgrade Captains Flat Sewerage Treatment Plant

TWSe was awarded the contract (design, development and construction) for the upgrade of the existing Captains Flat sewerage treatment plant in August 2018 for Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council. The existing plant was a Pasveer based plant, an extended aeration type of activated sludge process with mechanical aeration, which was constructed in the 1980’s.

The augmentation of the STP is based on replacement of the existing sludge lagoons, operator amenities, electrical and control systems, drying beds and installation of new units including an inlet works, balance tanks, UV disinfection system and an onsite reuse system. The existing maturation ponds are to be effectively bypassed. The overall concept philosophy for treatment within the plant augmentation is based on fully treating incoming daily flows up to 3 x ADWF, with wet weather flows receiving partial treatment. Flows receiving partial treatment can be directed to the existing maturation ponds for further treatment.

The added complexity of a small restricted site and the STP remaining operational during the construction period made for some complex and careful project planning. The Project is well on track with expected completion by June 2019.